- “Understanding Adult Development in Clinical Practice,” California Society for Clinical Social Work, San Diego, CA (November 2008)
- “Cross Cultural Awareness in the Therapeutic Relationship,” The San Diego Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, San Diego, CA (March 2007)
- “Cross Cultural Awareness in the Clinical and Supervisory Relationship,” San Diego State University School of Social Work, Office of Fielding Education, San Diego, CA (October 2006)
- “Countertransference,” San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center, San Diego, CA (April 2005)
- “Introduction to Understanding ‘Objective’ Countertransference,” Children’s Hospital Outpatient Psychiatry, San Diego, CA (June 2004)
- “Understanding and Using Your Countertransference,” Kaiser Permanente, Outpatient Psychiatry, San Diego, CA (November 2003)
- “Working More Effectively With ‘Difficult’ Clients,” Bayside Community Clinic, San Diego, CA (January 2003)
- “Working More Effectively with the ‘Difficult’ Adult Client,” National Association of Social Workers, Irvine, CA (January 2002)
- “Transference and Countertransference in Case Management with the Chronically Mentally Ill,” Telecare, San Diego, CA (August 2001)
- “Countertransference,” San Diego Regional Medical Center, San Diego, CA (January 2001)
- “Countertransference: Identification, Management, and Use,” San Diego State University Office of Continuing Education, San Diego, CA (February 2000)
- Co-coordinator and presenter, “Associate Clinical Social Work Supervisor Certification Program,” San Diego State University Office of Continuing Education, San Diego, CA (October 1999, March 2000, October 2000, February 2001, October 2001, October 2002)
- Clinical case presentation, Gifford Mental Health Clinic, University of California, San Diego, CA (March 1999)
- “Working More Effectively with the Difficult Client,” San Diego State University Office of Continuing Education, Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, La Jolla, CA (November 1998, March 2001)
- “Introduction to the DSMIV,” San Diego Youth and Community Services (SAY), San Diego, CA (October 1998)
- “Understanding and Assessing Adult Developmental Processes and its Application to Practice,” California Society for Clinical Social Work, San Diego, CA (May 1998)
- “Process Recording as an Educational Tool,” Office of Field Education, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA (Fall 1997-2001)
- “Countertransference in Working with the Elderly Disabled Population,” Age Concerns, San Diego, CA (Spring 1996)
- “Adult Development,” Sharp Hospital Social Service Department, San Diego, CA (Spring 1994)
- Speaker of the Month, “The Psychology of Menopause: Menopause within its Developmental Context,” Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, La Jolla, CA (Spring 1994)
- “Psychological Responses to Menopause,” San Diego Psychoanalytic Institute, San Diego, CA (Fall 1993)
- “Borderline Personality Disorder: Theory and Treatment,” Sharp Hospital Social Service Department, San Diego, CA (Spring 1991)
- Clinical case presentation, University of California, Gifford Mental Health, San Diego, CA (Spring 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994)
- Clinical case discussant, Springall Academy, San Diego, CA (Spring 1989, 1990)
- “Women’s Reactions to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Early Motherhood,” Mission Bay Hospital for Childbirth Association and Planned Parenthood staff (Fall 1985)
- “Perspectives on Homosexuality,” Counseling Psychology Department, University of Texas, Austin, TX (November 1981)
- “Middle Age Emotional Adjustment,” Jewish Family Service of the Greater East Bay, Oakland, CA (February 1979)
- “Adolescent Development,” Jewish Family Service of the Greater East Bay, Oakland, CA (March-May 1978)
- “Emotional Adjustment to Old Age,” Jewish Family Service of the Greater East Bay, Oakland, CA (November 1977)